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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OC Fair Update

Yesterday's meeting in our Council Chambers was insightful for many reasons. One, the Fair Board/Non profit foundation members left after the presentations. I stayed until the end because I wanted to listen to all of the Costa Mesa residents and other stakeholders speak to Assemblymen Tran and Solario. I am glad so many people turned out and spoke their minds.  As an elected official I hope everything that happens moving forward is transparent.  The City controls the zoning and I am doing all I can to  keep the Fair the Fair. Stay tuned.
Please call or email the Governor to respectfully ask him to remove the Fairgrounds from the list of state owned properties for sale. 

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

State Capitol Building

Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: 916-445-2841 916-445-2841

Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )

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