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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Plan B--put in a bid with the County of Orange

At our City Council meeting  on Tuesday we will meet in Closed Session first to discuss an MOU with the County of Orange to join together to put in a bid for the Orange County Fairgrounds.  Katrina took this picture on Monday when we were in Sacramento asking State officials to stop the sale.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Please call the Governor to Stop the Sale

Now is the time to call the Governor's office and to ask him to please halt the sale of the Orange County Fairgrounds if you haven't already done so. We are thankful for Assemblyman Solorio's bill AB1950. Call your Assembly person and ask them to support it too. The Governor's phone number is 916-445-2841. Thanks

A Lesson from the UK helps us think of the future

American Thinker: The Palin Brand

I wonder what my son and his wife, living in London, think about this approach.
