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Tuesday, March 23, 2021


We have a voice! And now is the time to shout!

Time is short!  April 12 is the planning commission public hearing to approve giant LED signs for Triangle Square.  Everyone I talk to is against this idea mainly for safety reasons and aesthetics.  More than  756 people have signed the online petition to voice their NO opinion.  It's a bad idea.  

If you care about the future of Costa Mesa, its image and its safety, now is the time to speak up or forever, and I mean, forever, hold your peace.  If approved, the agreement will give the owner renewable rights to advertise anything sold in Costa Mesa for years. 

With City Hall closed, we can't attend meetings and let officials see our faces of distress over this project. Letting our public officials hear our voice through emails and Zoom calls is not effective. We the People are greatly handicapped in voicing our opposition.

If we really want officials to listen to us, we need to pick up our phones, call planning commissioners and have a chat.

Or, meet for coffee. 

In other words, we need to step up our game if we don't want this to happen.

What you did previously doesn't matter.  

If you sent an email, signed the petition or spoke at a Zoom meeting, you need to do SOMETHING again well before the April 12 meeting so the planning commissioners will have time to return your call or read your email.

And you need to save Monday, April 12 at 6 pm to speak during the meeting.

Be prepared--the April 12 meeting may last A LONG TIME.  We may get tired.  But we can't quit now! 

We MUST send a strong message, our united voices, that we don't want these giant billboards, which forever change the character of Costa Mesa.  Long after we've gone, people will say, "how could they approve  these signs?"

Some of us may go to City Hall and call into the Zoom meeting from  outside the Council chambers.  

Of course we care about suffering businesses, but it is not our job, We the People of Costa Mesa, who elect our officials and those they appoint, to rescue a failing business venture.  

Our job is to speak up and let officials hear our united voice. It's time!

714-754-5165:  Leave a message for planning commissioners to return your call. Officials work for us!

Email info:

Commissioners and Staff | City of Costa Mesa (

CC: the City Council as the giant billboard project may go to the Council

And cc City Clerk:

More info:

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